These terms and conditions apply to all purchases made in this webshop. Once you have placed your order, you automatically also agree with these conditions.
All items are shipped from the Netherlands. Shipping costs will vary depending on quantity / weight of the items ordered an the country of delivery. You find the shipping costs when you check-out.
If you order several items it is well possible that the total shipping fee is smaller than when you just buy one item. Feel free to ask for best shipping deal possible. I will try and combine shipping to actual costs. If you have any (other) questions or special wishes, leave a message.
Once your online order has been submitted, you will be notified via email to confirm your order has been received. If you do not receive this confirmation email within 6 hours, please get in touch.
All orders will be sent within 2 days.
If you do not receive your order, because of a mistake by the post office, please contact me. Together we will look for a suitable solution.
If an order reaches you in good condition but you still aren’t satisfied, it is possible to return or change your order on the condition the order comes back in good condition. You will have to pay for shipping back the items.
Please check your order as soon as it is delivered. When your order is damaged, contact me by e-mail within 1 week and send a picture of the damage. After I’ve received your email, I will send the product again and will pay for the costs.
All rights of the products purchased via the webshop © Chantal Rens.
Products may under no circumstances be copied or used to produce a new product.
When you place an order, you have to fill in some personal data. I need these data to complete the order. Your data will only be used for this purpose.
2020 © Chantal Rens, Tilburg, the Netherlands